The Pathetic Attempts of Seana Lucy Smith Trying To Stay Calm In A World That Has Something Against Her : Week 4 – January Check-up

My weekly diary to record how I’m doing on my Do Less and Stay Calm goals for 2015. A way of keeping myself accountable.

Macquarie Big Swim Palm Beach to Whale Beach_12

Ah, kids back to school…. it had been two months since I had a quiet day at home alone…

….and it lasted until 1pm when Teen17 came home. His Year 12 timetable is quite light since he’s only doing five (very non-academic) subjects.

I’m actually feeling remarkably calm this week. That can’t be right.

I’m sure the happy hormones that come from the Palm to Whale long ocean swim last Sunday are still fizzing away.

Time to check out the January goals list.

January Goals List

My big learning curve was realising that I put down far too many goals – how like me.

My sister is a coach and we chatted this through, she has a post about SMART goals here.

My January goals were general rather than specific, and not all reastic. Here’s how they went:

Home – Declutter landing and my bedroom cupboards

Done… well, mostly. I need to go through my drawers still.

Family – time, presence, focus

Not bad… consequently, I’m spending lots less time on social media

Blog – one – two posts per week

Yes, easy as I enjoy this activity so much

Work – two days a week

Done, dusted and paid for

Exercise – 10,000 steps a day and one gym and two swims

This is just silly and too stressful.  I didn’t always do all the steps, nor the gym and not even two swims a week. It’s too much.  Yes, I could make health and exercise more of a priority… but not just at the moment.

Food – buy more fresh food at market and do a Harris Farm Markets online shop

I’ve done a couple of Harris Farm Markets online shops, great to get away from the big supermarkets. I’m sure I’ll stick with this.  Could do with putting a bit more time and effort into family food.

Mental Health – find a adult recovery group to try, sit down and read once a day in front room

Big fail… I think I sat and read in the front room twice! Haven’t found a group – hold on, I’ll do that now.

(A short time later…..)

Right, I’ve found a meeting, one I’ve been to before… and put it in the diary.

February Goals List

Declutter my drawers and Ms8’s bedroom

Blog – two posts per week and 15 minutes a day on advertising

Exercise – no goals!  Wear the Fitbit every day, as that always makes me take more exercise.

Food – bake once a week, batch cook one day a week

Mental Health – go to at least one recovery meeting

(no need to put in my part-time job as it’s a given until April)

Right then… whilst most people are making goals to get them somewhere in life, to grow, earn more or whatever… mine are all about doing less. Being less greedy and needy.

I’m slowing down… calming down… rushing is the enemy of family life!

The Pathetic Attempts of Seana Lucy Smith Trying To Stay Calm In A World That Has Something Against Her

Read Week 1 of this series :  The 2015 Goals List

 Read Week 2 of this series:  Coming Unstuck

On Greediness + Neediness:  Week 3 

How’s your week going?

If you have children, are they back to school?

Does the house seem eerily quiet?


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